Network Scanning

MITRE ATT&CK, Discovery, Technique T1046

ARP Scanning

ARP is a protocol used to resolve a MAC address for the NIC that has been configured with an IP address. ARP requests are sent in cleartext, meaning that anyone on the broadcast domain can observe and record them.

# Active scanning
arp-scan -I eth0 $subnet

# Passive reconaissance 
netdiscover -i eth0 -r $subnet -p

Ping Sweep

# Perform a ping sweep with Nmap
nmap -sn $subnet/24 -oA PingSweepHosts

# Create a Live Hosts List
cat PingSweepHosts.gnmap | awk '/Up$/{print $2}' > LiveIPs.txt

TCP Scanning

# Custom host discovery with Nmap
nmap -PS21-25,80,110,139,443,445,623,3306,3389,8000,8080,8081,etc $subnet/24 -oA DiscoveredHosts

# Variation of custom discovery scan with Nmap
sudo nmap -Pn -n -sS -p $customports --min-hostgroup 255 --min-rtt-timeout 0ms --max-rtt-timeout 100ms --max-retries 1 --max-scan-delay 0 --min-rate 2000 -oA nmap-discovery -vvv -open -iL $targetfile

# Custom full port scan
sudo nmap -Pn -n -p- -sV --min-hostgroup 255 --min-rtt-timeout 25ms --max-rtt-timeout 100ms --max-retries 1 --max-scan-delay 0 --min-rate 1000 -oA full-nmap -vvv --open -iL $targetfile

# Exclude hosts from scans with Nmap by specifying IPs
nmap -sV -F --exclude,

# Exclude hosts from scans with Nmap by specifying file
nmap -sV -F --excludefile $file_name

Top 1000 TCP Ports



Parsing Nmap Scans

Useful NSE Scripts

The following NSE scripts are not included with Nmap and should be manually added:

  • nndefaccts - Alternate fingerprint dataset for Nmap script http-default-accounts

  • Nmap-Elasticsearch-NSE - Nmap NSE script for enumerating indices, plugins and cluster nodes on an elasticsearch target

Scanning for Default Credentials

nmap -iL scope.out --script=http-default-accounts,creds-summary -oA default_credential_sweep


ARP Scanning


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