As an attacker, password policies are extremely important to enumerate for performing both credential-based attacks such as password spraying.
Enumerate Password Policy
# Get Password Policy with CrackMapExec (Unauthenticated)
cme smb $dc -u '' -p ''
# Get Password Policy with CrackMapExec
crackmapexec smb $dc -u $username -p $password --pass-pol
# Get Password Policy with Net Accounts
net accounts
# Enumerate the default password policy settings from the Default Domain Policy GPO
Fine-Grained Password Policy
# Enumerate all FGPPs configured
Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy -Filter *
# Obtain the FGPP assigned to a specific user
Get-ADUserResultantPasswordPolicy -Identity parzival
# Obtain FGPP via WMIC
wmic /namespace:\\ROOT\directory\LDAP PATH ds_msds_passwordsettings GET DS_DisplayName, ds_msds_PasswordSettingsPrecedence, ds_msds_LockoutObservationWindow, ds_msds_LockoutDuration, ds_msds_LockoutThreshold, ds_msds_PSOAppliesTo